Children’s Ministry

Children are loved and valued at First Baptist Church Belton.  We believe that one of our greatest responsibilities is to provide a place that is both safe and nurturing.  Because of this, we have an active Children’s Ministry that meets on Sundays and Wednesdays, along with having regularly scheduled events throughout.

Sunday mornings we have Sunday school classes for every age from babies to 5th grade taught by teachers that are excited to see the children learn about Christ and how they can grow to live for Him.

Wednesday nights we have choir opportunities for children three years and older and we have hand bell and chime opportunities for children 1st through 5th grade.

Wednesday nights we also have R.A.s (Royal Ambassadors) and G.A.s (Girls in Action) for 1st though 5th grade. We have mission friends for our four and five-year olds. For children under that age we have skilled and experienced nursery workers to watch your children during adult Bible study time.

Our R.A.s and G.A.s study God’s Word, meet and listen to mission workers, and take part in service projects for our community.